Where do you ship?

Queen B ships worldwide.

How much is shipping?

Shipping is a flat rate of $4.95 Australia-wide, and $9.95 internationally (however, shipping internationally for 4 or more products, or the 12-month Queen B-TOX is $19.95).

How long does shipping take?

Shipping: 30 working days.

If you have not received your order after this time, please forward us your PayPal email receipt and explain your issue at

Can I cancel or return my order?

If your order has already been shipped, we cannot cancel your order and give you a refund, likewise, as our product is a food you cannot return your order to gain a refund.

What if my shipping address that I provided is incorrect?

If we have already shipped the item, and you provided us with the incorrect shipping address we cannot give you a refund, nor ship the product to a different address. To avoid this, please ensure to check that the shipping address attached to your PayPal account is correct, and still valid, before purchase.

For any further questions, please email us at